Spring is here and rattlesnakes are out and about all over Southern California. Your dog could be exposed to rattlesnakes while hiking, or even in your back yard. You can save your dogs life by attending rattlesnake avoidance training, and your dog can save your life by alerting you to snakes.
SoCal K9 works with Herpetologist Andy Andrews, of the Etiwanda Game Association in Hesperia. Andy is considered one of the top snake aversion experts in the country! Andy has over 25 years experience training snake avoidance to dogs. He has developed a proven method which is both safe and effective for dogs, handlers and snakes (snakes are not harmed in any way).
Here is what to expect: The entire process will take approximately 20 minutes. Andy will lead your dog through a series of stations with rattlesnakes securely contained in wire cages. The cages allow the dog to see, smell and hear the snakes. Its extremely important that your dog encounter the snake in an outdoor natural setting in which snakes normally lurk. Your dog will be given an opportunity to “discover” the snake. Andy pays close attention to the subtle body signals of the dog and will stimulate the dog only at the exact moment the dog indicates that he has discovered the snake. Andy is extremely knowledgeable on the proper use of the stimulation collar and is extremely careful to only use lowest level of stimulation necessary for the personality of each dog. After your dog has been exposed to the snakes and demonstrated proper avoidance, the owner is called out to the starting point. The dog should take a circuitous route around the snake, if necessary, will be “proofed” several times until proper snake avoidance is achieved. You will be present during the entire process and Andy will be able to to answer any questions you might have.
SoCal K9 will be hosting this event and organizing the pre-scheduled sessions. To reserve your time or Click here to register your spot in the next clinic or email megan@socalk9training.com for more information.
Rattlesnake Avoidance Clinics hosted by SoCal K9 are only offered in South Orange county (San Juan and San Clemente). You may choose to contact Andy for clinics in your area.