The Place Command and why you need it!

Place, one of the most beneficial commands you can teach your dog

Have you ever wished that your furry friend could stay in one place, especially when guests come over or during mealtimes? If you find yourself constantly battling with a dog that insists on jumping up or wandering around, then it’s time to introduce them to the concept of staying on place. In this guide, we’ll explore the art of Place training and how it can transform your dog’s behavior. Get ready to discover effective techniques, expert tips, and plenty of fun along the way!

Why Teach Your Dog the Place Command?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of Place training, let’s discuss why teaching your dog to stay on place is beneficial. Here are some key reasons:

1. Safety and Control

Encouraging your dog to stay on a designated spot provides an added layer of safety and control. Whether you have guests with allergies or simply want to keep your pup away from certain areas, having a reliable “place” command ensures that they stay put.

2. Polite Greetings

Jumping up can be quite embarrassing and potentially dangerous if your dog accidentally knocks someone over. By teaching them to remain on their designated spot when greeting visitors, you can create a polite and calm environment for both humans and canines.

3. Mealtime Manners

If begging at the table has become a regular occurrence during mealtime, service mat training can help redirect your pup’s attention away from food and onto their own designated area. This not only improves their manners but also allows everyone at the table to enjoy their meals in peace.

Now that we understand the importance of training our dogs to stay on place let’s dive into the step-by-step process of service mat training.

Step 1: Choosing the Perfect Place

The first step in Place training is selecting the right mat or bed for your dog. Here are a few factors to consider:

Size and Comfort

Choose a bed or cot that is large enough for your dog to comfortably stand, sit, lie down, and turn around on. It should be soft and cushioned to encourage your pup to enjoy their designated spot.

Non-Slip Material

To ensure that the bed stays in place as your dog gets on and off it, opt for one with a non-slip bottom. This will prevent any accidental slipping or sliding during training sessions.

Visual Cue

Consider choosing a bed with a distinct visual cue, generally something with 2-3 inches of height. This will help your dog easily identify their designated spot.

Once you have selected the perfect service mat, it’s time to move on to the next step of the training process.

Step 2: Introducing Your Dog to the Place mat

Now that you have the ideal bed or cot in hand let’s begin introducing it to your furry companion. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition:

1. Familiarization

Place the place mat in an area where your dog spends most of their time. Allow them to sniff and investigate it at their own pace without any pressure or commands.

2. Positive Associations

Make the place mat an inviting space by associating it with positive experiences. Place treats or toys on the mat and praise your dog when they approach or interact with it voluntarily.

3. Marking and Rewarding

Introduce marker training by using a clicker or verbal cue such as “Yes!” when your dog steps onto the service mat. Immediately reward them with treats or praise for following the cue.

By gradually introducing your dog to the service mat through positive associations, you’ll create a strong foundation for successful training sessions.

Stay tuned for our next section where we’ll explore how to reinforce staying on place through consistent practice and valuable techniques. Your dog will soon become a pro at staying put, impressing your friends and family with their newfound manners!